Vishun Media

(Vision Media)


"Digital Media"

Content Provider & Management



Check Out What We Do

We Provide Digital Media Content Through

Our Subsidiary Companies Under Vishun Media

Urban Entrepreneur  

Business Solutions

Launch Gro works as your business consultant. We provide guidance to aspiring entrepreneurs at various stages of the startup and growth process. If you're interested in starting a business; we'll help you every step of the way.

Cloud Applications

Software As A Service

Saftwair is a company offering (B2B & B2C) software as a service applications to individuals & small businesses. We are a distribution computing model that allows users to access and use cloud-based software on a pay-as-you-go basis

Website Builder

Drag & Drop - Admin Panel

Innturnet is a website builder platform that allows users design and build websites without knowing any code. Users choose a pre-designed template and drag n drop content that allows them to customize their site's look, features, and capabilities.



Vishun Media


About The Compny

Welcome to Vishun Media, your gateway to the digital media landscape! We are a digital media company with several subsidiaries operating under our name. We are a dynamic and innovative digital media company dedicated to shaping the future of content creation, distribution, and engagement. With a passion for storytelling, cutting-edge technology, and a commitment to excellence, we've established ourselves as a trailblazer in the ever-evolving world of digital media.


About Me

My name is Van Bush and I founded & started this company. I have always had a love for computers and specifially digital media content. I love digital media content because it allows me to be creative. All of my life, I would often daydream and imagine of what things could be; and through that imagination by creating this company; it was a part of me turning my dreams into a reality.

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